
How Many Minutes To Water New Grass Seed


It's Like Taking Care Of A Baby!

The best advice for watering new grass seed is both simple and complicated. You only get one chance to germinate seeds correctly.

  • Not enough water will kill the sprout.
  • Too much water can leave less than platonic results.

The unproblematic word is to keep it moist all the time.
That tin can prove to be a complicated demand considering of the numerous factors that make every grass growing situation unique.

Let'south discuss your basic goal, what it will have to reach it, what problems tin can develop, and how to solve them.

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Do It Yourself Lawn Care


But throw a ton of water on it?
Is that all a new lawn planting needs?
It'southward time to be smart.

The uncomplicated lawn sprinkler in this photo
can pour out a lot of water.

That may be your worst enemy.

Watering new grass seed puts you
at risk for a mess:

  • seed done abroad or floated into clumps and bare spots;
  • seed sticking to muddy shoes when you move the sprinkler;
  • soft sinking soil leaves a trail of footprints across the lawn.

And then go easy with the volume of water you put down. But don't exist skimpy either. Plan to find a practiced balance of amount and frequency that fits your soil and weather weather. We'll discuss this as nosotros continue on.

If you don't have a built in irrigation system, the first problem to overcome is finding a sprinkler that gives a consistent even distribution of water, and provides coverage that fits the configuration of your lawn.
The larger your lawn, the more options y'all have. Smaller or irregular shaped lawns are difficult, unless you can accept overspray that might get into a shrub or flower bed area.

The pros & cons of dissimilar types of sprinklers will be covered later. For now, do evaluate whether any existing sprinklers you lot take will let you lot:

  • cover all seed areas evenly without flooding and washing abroad the seed, or leaving some areas with minimal wetting;
  • let y'all to adjust the coverage to get access to all areas, either by irresolute the pattern brandish or past increasing/decreasing the water flow for unlike size patches;
  • be easy to relocate to the next watering area, realizing that dragging the hose as you go will be a potential disaster, causing the seed (and soil) to be dragged off of one section and piled up somewhere else.
  • can you accomplish adequate wetting with a paw-held sprinkler from the edges of the planted area and avoid some of those concerns?


All seeds require wet and a certain temperature range before they begin to germinate. Once the germination process has begun, if conditions modify, the seed or new sprout is vulnerable and can die.

If the seed or sprout DRIES it DIES . Your mission then, is to provide acceptable moisture at all times. The phase before you seen any sprouts poking out is about critical.

Your delivery to watering new grass seed must stay strong. The germination time for grass seed ranges from 5 to thirty days depending on the variety. It tin can be even longer than this in cooler temperatures.

This is how long it volition take to actually see the grass growing. Until this point, the seed, or the soil and mulch in contact with the seed, must stay moist. Information technologydoesn't need to be soggy or swimming, but moist.

One time the new grass is visible, the roots are also growing down into the soil. This happens quite chop-chop. Equally soil wet below ground is more accessible to the roots, the plant is not then vulnerable now. Withal, don't reduce the amount of watering on new grass seeds notwithstanding.

Seeds will non sproutall at the same time. Seeds will be buried at different depths, absorb water differently, or be of unlike quality or maturity. Many seed mixtures are blends of multiple varieties that will have unlike characteristics affecting their development.

It is important to proceed the surface expanse constantly moist until all seeds have germinated.

Until the planted area is densely showing green growth, don't allow it to dry out. The percentage of seed germinationis in your control, though people often blame a thin lawn on the "lousy seed that didn't come up!"
It is possible to increase the per centum of germinating seeds. Learn more in the commodityGrass Seed Germination.

Watering New Grass Seed: How Much?

Sun and current of air tin can dry the soil surface. Copse, shrubs, buildings and clouds can shade some areas, simply not others. Lawn grasses being over-seeded may provide shade to new seeds in an inconsistent style.

These factors make it hard to determine a unmarried watering amount needed for an entire area for each 24-hour interval it is required. Consider how therequirements for watering new grass seed can be altered for each of the following circumstances.

i. An existing lawn beingness over-seeded.

Normally a lawn should be watered securely simply infrequently. Non NOW! Change this when you lot are watering for new grass seed. At present you must h2o everyday. Set automatic timers for about 5 to10 minutes, early in the morning, and again at mid-day.

Discover and adjust the amount of time. Sprinklers have a wide range of flow in gallons-per-minute and you must use your judgment hither.

Watering done by mitt or hose-end sprinklers must exist consistently and evenly applied. It should provide approximately the same amount of moisture throughout, but less in shady areas.

Twice daily watering is essential until the new grass is up, then after one more week, reduce to once per day. Adjust this pattern according to flavor and temperature demands.

2. Bare lawn areas existence patched.

If a lawn area is of substantial size or you take multiple areas, follow the aforementioned instructions every bit higher up.

For smaller amounts or areas, if manus watering is practical, leave the backyard on its normal irrigation schedule for a unmarried cycle each day. Supplement the blank areas in one case or twice daily, or as needed, to keep the new seed moist.

3. New backyard areas sowed with grass seed.

New backyard training done properly will have tilled the soil to loosen the basis for the new grass plants. This loose soil is prone to holding large amounts of water. Do not over-water!

Some soil types volition become spongy. Walking on it in this condition will leave serious depressions and crusade compaction. Trying to correct a k full of deep footprints is non a chore you want to effort.

The top inch of soil should stay moist at all times. This may take only 2-3 minutes or v-6 minutes, or longer, depending on your sprinkler system and the soil type.
Use your best judgment. Moist, only non soggy is the plan!

Equally higher up, it should be repeated. 2 or even 3 times each 24-hour interval is appropriate if the weather is hot enough to require it.
Watering new grass seed on new lawn areas does NOT require lengthy watering times. That simply sends the water deeper than it is needed at this early stage.

Frequent watering is the just way to keep adequate surface moisture. But that does not mean get crazy, as this photo shows, and the side by side section will explain.

over water grass seed

Issues To Avoid When
Watering New Grass Seed


  • Over-watering that results in puddles on the surface. At commencement, this tin can allow the seed to float around and the grass will not be evenly distributed. Afterwards the new grass may choke if the roots have no oxygen bachelor. (They drown!)
  • Run-off and seed movement on sloping ground. Information technology may be necessary to reduce the watering time and repeat more oftentimes. A mulch over the seed should help reduce seed movement in addition to reducing evaporation.
  • Over-watering that leaves the soil soggy and spongy. It can have a long time for some soils to dry out. Clay or adobe soil is the worst. Stay off of them if this happens.
  • Over-watering areas that are shaded and need less water while sunny areas need more than water. (Ordinarily a problem with automatic sprinkler systems.) If feasible, consider one cycle of automatic watering on the unabridged area, and a hand watering later, to cover just the more exposed areas equally they dry out.
  • Uneven watering due to sprinklers that are clogged, not adjusted or inadequately designed. Always cheque and do necessary corrections to a sprinkler system before the grass seed is sown. (Few sprinklers, installed or portable, can exist trusted to work efficiently without being regularly checked.)
  • Under-watering new grass seed, specially non often plenty, due to any and all excuses.
    Remember, ane mistake tin can hateful you start all over again.

over wet grass seed

dry mulch new grass

Over-wet soil that does non allow h2o to soak downwards is bad. Seed may rot; algae may grow; oxygen for the roots is depleted.

Reduce frequency or length of watering.

Mulch that gets likewise dry clumps together. Grass sprouts may exist held back or may push up a clump, possibly dislodging seeds just starting to abound.

Water more often.

Tips For Better Results

  • Before watering the new grass seed even in one case, cover it with a mulch. Get tips in the article Planting Grass Seed
  • Avoid the hottest season or occasional heat-spells when planting. Watering new grass seed is enough of a challenge without taking on the oestrus as an enemy. If y'all accept no choice, be vigilant and have the demand to apply water more frequently every bit it dries out more quickly.
  • If you meet moss or algae type growths showing upwardly, especially in shady areas, at that place is besides much moisture present. Reduce the frequency of watering and probably the length of time too.
  • For small patch projects, some seed brands are coated with a roofing that holds wet. This approach is constructive, only may be too expensive to consider for a big area.
  • Don't buy a cheap lawn sprinkler. They do non evenly distribute the water. They often leak and crusade puddles. You go what you lot pay for. Companies that research and test their products for effective coverage have to accuse more.
    (What's your cost for seed, mulch, and ...? Not to mention your time and labor. Become a good sprinkler and treat it as a valuable tool!)

Aquiver sprinklers are good for watering new grass seed in big areas where run-off is a concern. The back and forth move allows time for soaking in, rather than having a abiding spray on all areas.

The link at the page bottom is an article that addresses the common objection to oscillating sprinklers, that they stop working likewise often.

The product link to the right has extra adjustments; pricey, but best for those who need the upgrade. Many of yous tin utilise the more basic models that will likewise be displayed.

Remember that the long-term benefits far outweigh the trouble you go through while starting a lawn.
Watering new grass seed may exist quite a nuisance, so be sure to get it right the first time!

Visit our Backyard Care Habitation Page to see what other topics may assist you in creating, maintaining and enjoying a beautiful, good for you lawn.

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