
A Road Not Taken Theme

'The Route Not Taken' by Robert Frost is quite a popular poem; unfortunately, however, its popularity comes mainly from the simple act of misreading. With this poem, Frost has given the world a piece of writing that every individual tin relate to, especially when it comes to the concept of choices and opportunities in life.

A majority of the time, this poem is quoted and used with an interpretation that is not exactly "correct". The pop conventionalities is that Frost meant for this poem to be well-nigh hope, success, and defying the odds past choosing a path well, "less traveled by." On the other hand, if the poem is reviewed, it is quite obvious that it has adequately the contrary connotation.

It is Robert Frost's first poem in his book "Mountain Interval" (1916). A popular, pleasantly misconstrued poem since its release, its simplicity and way with words demonstrate the skill of Frost's pen.

          The Road Not Taken                    Robert Frost                    2 roads diverged in a xanthous wood, And sorry I could non travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked downwardly ane equally far as I could To where information technology bent in the undergrowth;  So took the other, as just as fair, And having possibly the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them actually about the same,  And both that morning every bit lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how style leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come up dorsum.  I shall exist telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: 2 roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled past, And that has fabricated all the difference.
The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost


'The Road Not Taken' by Robert Frost describes how the speaker struggles to choose betwixt 2 roads diverging in the yellow forest on an autumn forenoon.

In the poem, the individual arrives at a critical juncture in his life, arriving at crossroads at last near "a yellowish wood." Equally per him, the paths are equally well-traversed and yield anonymous outcomes. The individual comforts with a thought about returning, be if his path is unsuitable for him, however in hindsight, he's aware of the futility of such idea. Since his electric current path will bring upon separate paths in itself, disallowing any consistent reversal. The private concludes on a melancholic notation of how dissimilar circumstances and outcomes would take been, had it been the "other" path.


Robert Frost's poetic masterpiece is arguably the most infamously misunderstood verse form as of yet. Marrying elements of grade and content, arresting artistic phraseology and metaphors, the poem is mostly read without existence understood. The archetypal puzzler is the primary attraction of the poem, readers instantly chronicle to their personal experiences.

Forks and woods are used as metaphorical devices relating to decisions and crises. Like forks are representative of everlasting struggle against fate and free volition. Since humans are free to select as per their will, their fate is unknown to them.

'The Road Not Taken' actually steers clear of advising on selecting a definitive path. Frost'south take on this is slightly complicated. The grassy roads and yellow woods represent the nowadays every bit the individual views from a future perspective. This cocky-realization is pathetic and ironic in itself. The future self will regret first his determination most taking the road less traveled on. In hindsight, his regret is everlasting in this example point.

Detailed Analysis

Stanza Ane

Two roads diverged in a yellowish wood,

And pitiful I could not travel both

And be i traveler, long I stood

And looked downwards one every bit far as I could

To where it aptitude in the undergrowth;

'A Road Not Taken' opens with strong imagery, because of the wording used to depict two physical roads separating from each other in "a yellow woods." It is observably a forest that is showcasing the colors of autumn.

Line ii is jerky to brandish the theme of regret, by revealing that the individual is "sorry" earlier he even decides which route to take. We basically find ourselves observing a very important moment, where he has to make a conclusion that is evidently difficult for him.

Lines three through 5, express that the private is trying to come across as far as he tin down each route, to help him decide which i he should cull to take.

Let's thoroughly analyze the lines and their pregnant below.

Lines 1–two

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

The first two lines of this stanza introduce the dilemma that every man faces, non in one case, but multiple times in his or her life; the dilemma of selection. Nosotros as people get through many circumstances and experiences in our lives, and one of them is choosing betwixt two (or more) paths.

This is experienced literally: in the roads we take and the routes nosotros walk daily, and figuratively: when we come up to points in our lives where we must brand decisions for our next steps, based on the opportunities presented to us. And like the character in 'The Road Not Taken,' oftentimes, we are disappointed that we cannot concord on to, and experience the consequences of every opportunity that is presented to us. In guild to gain some things in life, we must let others go.

Lines 3–v

And exist one traveler, long I stood

And looked down 1 equally far equally I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Past having the character in the verse form examine the roads alee of him, Frost is emphasizing that we all try our all-time to guess what lays ahead for us in every opportunity that we are presented in an effort to find some control and later comfort over our final decisions. We like to take our time in society to make informed decisions and so we can justify our choices when the regret of missing out on the other "roads" starts to haunt the states.

Stanza 2

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better merits,

Because it was grassy and wanted article of clothing;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them actually most the same,

In this second stanza, lines vi through eight: the private in 'The Route Non Taken' finally makes a decision and chooses a route that he thinks and believes is improve, considering it looked similar not many people had walked on it before.

Still, in lines nine and ten, he is quick to add that the other route looked equally used in comparison to the one he chose, so it really was not as less traveled equally he was telling himself.

Lines 6–7

And so took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

These lines are important because they analyze the common misunderstanding that one road was less traveled than the other since the character clearly states that both roads were "really about the same." The diction in this stanza portrays the uncertainty of the character as he tries to justify to himself that his decision is the right one for him; and much like anyone else, he is trying to realistically counterbalance the outcomes of both roads.

Lines 8–10

Considering it was grassy and wanted habiliment;

Though as for that the passing at that place

Had worn them really most the aforementioned,

The important idea to note in these lines is that the grapheme claimed the road he chose was better because it "wanted wear" pregnant that information technology was tempting him. He felt that the road he chose "wanted" to be walked on by him. This underlines the nature of people in full general, that we will always choose the path which seems attractive and is of interest to us, fifty-fifty if both paths accept the equal potential of getting us to wherever information technology is nosotros are headed.

No affair where nosotros end up, and how informed, tempting, and satisfying our choices are, we will always wonder about the "what ifs" and the "could have beens" of the other opportunities that nosotros left behind.

Stanza Iii

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the showtime for another day!

Still knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.

In the tertiary stanza, Robert Frost mentions in lines eleven and twelve that at the moment that this individual was making his determination, both paths were nearly identical. No one had stepped through to disturb the leaves on both roads.

Line thirteen is an important point in 'The Road Not Taken' equally this is when the individual finalizes his decision of leaving the other road, for perchance another time.

Lines 14 and fifteen give us a glimpse of his doubts. He honestly confesses to himself that it's highly unlikely he will come back to travel this other route considering he knows every bit he moves forwards he will continue to observe other paths taking him further and further away from this point, where he is continuing at the moment.

Lines xi–12

And both that morning as lay

In leaves no step had trodden blackness.

The lines evidence us that this character is truly being honest with himself, as he makes the crucial decision of which road to take. His honesty is a reality bank check as well equally a means of making a concluding decision. He notices that both choices lay every bit in front end of him and none of these choices have been "trodden black".

Sometimes in life, when we reach a fork, we are able to make quick decisions based on what we learned from other people's experiences. These experiences then exit marks in the choices that nosotros have, these marks then form our bias towards or against that path. When we encounter choices in our lives where nosotros notice that the leaves are not "trodden black" by what we learned from the people around us, it becomes harder to decide betwixt them, just like the situation of the character in 'The Road Non Taken'.

Lines 13–15

Oh, I kept the commencement for some other day!

However knowing how way leads on to fashion,

I doubted if I should always come back.

Later on making his decision, he exclaims that he will leave the outset selection for another day. And so he honestly tells himself that if he lets this route go now, there is no coming dorsum. In that location are many defining decisions in our life that shape our futurity and sometimes when we select an option in these moments, they modify the course of our life and there's no turning back. That is where the regret of non exploring our other options disturbs united states of america.

Stanza Four

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the 1 less traveled by,

And that has fabricated all the difference.

In this last stanza, lines sixteen and seventeen, the individual predicts that one day far into the time to come, he knows will tell the story of this decision that he is at present making.

Lines eighteen and nineteen expose that he intends to lie and claim he took the less-traveled route. In reality, both were every bit traveled.

Finally, the last line expresses that the individual is also planning to merits that his choice to take this less traveled road made all the deviation, in where he will be standing at the time.

Lines 16–17

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

These lines of the concluding stanza highlight the nature of our regrets. When information technology comes to tough decisions in our lives, we always know that no matter what we finally choose, eventually, we volition regret not being able to try the possibility that was left uncharted by usa.

In this stanza, the character is already imagining the regret he will experience and decides that he will not be honest when he retells the story of his conclusion, as it will non validate his selection of the road if he showcases his regret past stating that an equal opportunity could have landed him elsewhere in life.

Lines 18–xx

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

He decides he volition tell people he chose the road that was "less traveled by" to come across as a person who took a chance and succeeded in life. In reality, the character is trying to convince himself that when he shares his life experiences and distorts the truth, information technology volition seem that taking this road "made all the deviation".

This teaches readers that they never know where life will take them, then preplanning what the end of the road looks like for themselves, and building regret is silly especially if they haven't even started the journey in the first identify. Life is about the paths you do choose to walk through, non about "the route not taken."


Robert Frost has used an interesting fashion in 'The Road Not Taken'. He works within the form, but at times, the form works within his mode. Using variation and his make of words, Robert Frost's poems followed a unique composition. At times, he created forms to suit his poetry.

He has a general trend to work within and without boundaries, carving memorable, identifiable, and idiosyncratic poetry. In his early years, he perfected the fine art of "sound of sense", bringing raw sensory perception to a human mind. The sound of words forms imagery due to the grade of words and sound of sense.

Rhyme Scheme

This poem follows a ready rhyme scheme. In each quintain, the rhyming convention employed is ABAAB. It means that there are 2 sets of rhymes. The audio with which the first line ends occurs again in the tertiary and fourth lines. While the second and last lines rhyme together.

For instance, allow's take a wait at the rhyme scheme of the starting time stanza.

Two roads diverged in a xanthous forest,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down 1 as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

In the first line, "wood" rhymes with the words, "stood" and "could" present in the tertiary and fourth lines. The second line ends with "both". For rhyming, the poet chooses the word "undergrowth" in the concluding line. The same scheme is followed throughout the verse form. At that place are no such exceptions.


Each line of this piece consists of ix syllables. Some lines contain a syllable more or less than the average syllable count. While reading the text, the stress generally falls on the 2d syllable of each foot. So, the overall poem is composed of iambic tetrameter. Information technology means there are a total of four iambs in every line. All the same, there are a few metrical variations too.

Let'south take the first stanza and browse it metrically.

Two roads/ di-verged/ in a yel-/depression wood,

And sor-/ry I/ could not tra-/vel both

And be/ one tra-/ve-ler, long/ I stood

And looked/ downwardly i/ as far/ as I could

To where/ it aptitude/ in the un-/der-growth;

From the scansion of the first stanza, it is articulate that Frost also uses a few anapests here and there throughout the poem. At that place are a total of four feet in each line. As the majority of the feet are composed of iambs, the dominant meter of this piece is the iambic tetrameter.

Literary Devices

Frost uses several literary devices in 'The Route Not Taken'. To begin with, he uses anaphora in the second, third, and fourth lines of the kickoff stanza. Some other important device of this piece is enjambment. It can exist seen in the third and 4th lines. Using this device, he maintains the period in between the lines as well as connects them internally.

Readers can find the use of metonymy in the phrase, "a yellowish woods". It refers to the season, autumn, and its effect on nature. There is a symbol in the usage of the word, "undergrowth". Information technology stands for the undiscovered regions of the future.

In the second stanza, readers tin can discover the utilise of irony in this line, "And having perhaps the better merits." This device is explained farther below. Apart from that, Frost uses alliteration in the phrase, "wanted wear".

The third stanza presents an inversion or hyperbaton in this line, "In leaves no pace had trodden blackness." The line likewise contains a synecdoche. In the following line, readers can observe a rhetorical exclamation.

In the last stanza, the poet uses repetition for emphasizing a item thought. For case, the phrase, "ages and ages" emphasizes the continuity of life's journey. While the repetition of the word, "I" in the stop and beginning of the tertiary and quaternary lines are meant for the sake of highlighting the speaker's hesitation. Such repetition is also known equally anadiplosis. Lastly, the poem ends with a paradox.


Frost uses several metaphors in this poem to bring dwelling house his innovative ideas. For case, the championship of the poem, 'The Road Non Taken' contains a metaphor. In information technology, the "road" is a metaphor for the choice we make.

Moving on to the text, there is some other metaphor in the "yellowish wood". In this phrase, the poet implicitly compares the idea of change to the yellowish wood. He compares the speaker of this piece to a traveler who is struck while choosing the best option to carry on his journeying.

Likewise, readers can notice another metaphor in the terminal stanza. Here, the route "less traveled by" is a metaphor for the choices less preferred by humans. It refers to unconventional things that pragmatic society doesn't follow at all. Withal, some people choose such anarchistic options. So, in the speaker's case, he has not opted for the rarest choice.


The ironic undertone is inexorable. As he writes,

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

The individual anticipates insincerity in his future, looking in hindsight later on. He'due south aware that he will be far from right and even hypocritical at times, looking at his life.

Furthermore, he is fully aware that his time to come self will ultimately deny his by self's decision, asserting information technology strongly. In essence, there's no definitive true path here. As a result, what lies on the other path may problem an individual with remnant feelings of guilt later.

With ironic undertones throughout, the poem contains hints of remorse due to choosing a path without much knowledge about either. Forth the way, the individual wonders well-nigh the other path and what's irrevocably lost in deselecting information technology.


The apply of imagery, in this piece, makes it an interesting read. It helps readers to imagine the plot of this poem. There is no unnecessary information in the text. Frost begins directly with the primary prototype of the poem that is of the "two roads diverged in a yellow wood." By using this visual imagery filled with the colour of fall, the poet depicts the place where his speaker is struggling to make a conclusion.

He farther describes that the roads bent in the undergrowth. It means that the speaker cannot come across what is there ahead of the road. In this fashion, Frost paints a cute picture of ii long roads going in two different directions in the woods.

Readers can discover more secondary details, integral to the main epitome, in the following stanzas. Co-ordinate to the speaker, the roads more or less look the same. Grasses embrace them and ane of them is less traveled than the other. Likewise, some pale leaves are lying on the route. On one route, he can run across trodden, black leaves. While he cannot come across such leaves on the other road.

Providing this clarification, Frost tries to describe two ideas through these images. The first thought is of the choice that i tin can brand hands by learning from the experience of others. Secondly, the image of the less trodden road depicts a manner that can be less traveled, only it is less discovered past others.

Tone and Mood

To sympathise the tone and mood of this verse form, readers accept to look for the words that take emotions associated with them. One such give-and-take appears at the very beginning of the 2d line. The speaker says, "sad" for not being able to travel on both roads. How does this particular give-and-take influence the verse form'due south tone and mood?

Offset of all, it tells readers that the speaker is non confident plenty to make a conclusion. Therefore he feels deplorable for himself. Information technology reflects his mental country also as the poem's mood that is a little bit drifting towards the lethargic state of mind. Likewise, the tone is emotive but non direct as it lacks confidence.

Another phrase, "long I stood" prolongs the mood of indecisiveness and confusion. The tone follows the mood and it changes into an introspective one.

In the following stanza, the word "perhaps" in the 2d line depicts the tone of dilemma. The confused mood of the speaker also confuses the readers. Moving on to the post-obit stanzas, the individual becomes comparably confident still his tone reflects a sense of grief as he thinks the other road might be better than the one he is about to walk on.


The infamous poem is rich with simplistic literal symbolism. Frost sets up a fictional phase for an private upon which he sets the direction of his life with irreparable consequences. It's a metaphor for people juggling with lifelong decisions. Seemingly an obvious poem, 'The Road Not Taken' has been subjective, catering to multiple interpretations. Co-ordinate to Robert Frost himself:

You lot take to exist careful of that ane; it'south a catchy poem—very tricky.

In this piece, readers have to exist aware of the use of symbols. The first dilemma that comes across while reading the text is about the actual symbolic significance of the ii roads. These roads do non refer to 2 different paths. Rather Frost points at ii superficially identical roads symbolizing the choices a person has to make. He can only choose any one of them as information technology is literally impossible to exist "ane traveler" on both roads. Also, readers can find another symbol in "a yellow wood". Information technology refers to the idea of alter.


The thematic idea of 'The Route Non Taken' intrinsically lies in "carpe diem", judging past its nuance. In conventional carpe diem poems, readers can find that the speaker is urging ane to seize the moment and live in the present. Likewise, in this verse form, the poet presents a person who is not sure about what to practise. He thinks about the hereafter and then he cannot make a decision based on the present scenario.

This piece also taps on several other themes such equally choice, dubiousness, indecision, fate, and over-thinking. The main theme of this piece is pick and dubiety. In this poem, the speaker has to make a choice and he is uncertain well-nigh the best 1. He thinks what he will choose cannot be suitable for him.

The next theme that tin be constitute is indecision. Readers tin notice this theme in the lines such equally, "And so await at the other, as merely as fair,/ And having possibly the improve merits." Right after these lines, the speaker says both of them are "really nigh the same." That'south why he struggles with indecision.

It besides seems that the speaker is a fatalist. He relies on it more the present moment. This mindset creates more confusion in his life. Last but non to the lowest degree is overthinking. This theme is nowadays throughout this piece. Here, the narrator has to make a unproblematic decision. Just, he thinks more what is necessary. It leads to all the confusion not only in his instance but likewise in the case of readers.

Historical Context

Robert Frost's 'The Road Not Taken' depicts the poet or individual looking in hindsight and contemplating upon past decisions. As per a biographical account by Lawrence Thompson, "Robert Frost: The Years of Triumph", the poem was based on his Welsh pal named Edward Thomas. Co-ordinate to him, his friend was always regretful of his decision, irrespective of the road taken.

Considering himself as a regional poet, New England has been used as a recurring location in Robert Frost's poems. He moved to New Hampshire in his early teens. As a result, the rich culture, vivid imagery, history, and landscape are reflected in his published work. Elements such as orchards, forests, fields, and small towns are observed commonly. His narrators are often shut to nature, wandering in forest (Read 'Stopping past Woods on a Snowy Evening'), in snowstorms, and picking apples (Refer to 'Afterward Apple-Picking').


What type of poem is 'The Route Non Taken'?

It is a narrative poem as it tells a story of a speaker who was struggling to choose on a forenoon. This verse form also describes the mindset of the central character in metered verse. Besides, it is told from the showtime-person bespeak of view. So, it'southward a lyric with a gear up rhyming and metrical scheme.

When was 'The Route Not Taken' written?

From 1912 to 1915, Robert Frost lived in England. There he adult a friendship with the poet Edward Thomas. Often they went out for walks. I day, every bit they were walking they came across two roads diverging in different directions. Thomas was indecisive most which way to take. In 1915, when Frost returned to New Hampshire, he wrote the verses of 'The Road Not Taken' recounting this effect. He sent the re-create to Thomas and it compelled him to become rid of his indecisiveness concerning other things of his life.

Where was 'The Route Not Taken' published?

The poem was first published in the August 1915 event of The Atlantic Monthly. It was later published in Frost's poetry collection "Mount Interval" (1916) every bit its first poem.

Why is the poem called 'The Route Not Taken'?

The verse form is titled, 'The Route Non Taken' for an interesting reason. In the poem, the road which is not taken past the speaker is the one that is interestingly similar to the other road he takes. The poet mentions the start road in the title for emphasizing the dominant thought of the speaker'south listen. If there is only one road, there won't be whatsoever problem. Every bit there are two options, he struggles to make a determination and suffers through prolonged indecisiveness. Even if he takes a path (may be suitable for him), still he will be thinking of the other one. We often retrieve in this blueprint. So, the poet advises us not to be engrossed in such thoughts.

What does "a yellow woods" symbolize in 'The Route Not Taken'?

The phrase, "a yellowish woods" symbolizes the abstruse idea, change. It is also a symbol for the season, Autumn. The roads diverged in the woods. So, it means that no matter what road the speaker takes, there volition be a change in his life. Information technology is up to him how he reacts to it.

Is 'The Road Not Taken' about regret or appreciation?

'The Road Not Taken' is about regret. In a superficial reading, it may seem that the poet is affectionate the speaker'due south decision. But, analyzing the text thoroughly will reveal that the speaker regrets the choice he makes even earlier its actual implementation.

Why did the poet doubt if he should ever come back?

The poetic persona doubts if he should ever come back or not. If he takes a road, he has to follow wherever information technology takes. There will be ways that will lead him to other means. In the process, he won't have enough fourth dimension to return at this juncture and choose "the road not taken".

Why did Robert Frost choose the road "less traveled"?

Robert Frost's speaker chose the road less traveled as he had to brand a decision. Otherwise, he would go stuck at that place forever. So for the sake of continuing the journey of life, he took the other road, less traveled by. He might practice better on that way or it could prove futile. No matter what happened to him, he had to make a determination.

Similar Poesy

Hither is a list of a few poems that similarly showcase the themes present in Robert Frost'south verse form, 'The Route Non Taken'.

  • 'Song of the Open Road' by Walt Whitman – Information technology's 1 of the best-known poems of Walt Whitman. This poem describes a trip the speaker takes to larn nearly himself and relish the journeying to an unknown destination. Read more Walt Whitman poems.
  • 'In that location is Pleasure in the Pathless Woods' by Lord Byron – It's one of the all-time-loved poems of Byron. This poem reflects a speaker'south strong want for solitude and peace. Explore more than poems of Lord Byron.
  • 'The Road Goes Ever On' by J.R.R. Tolkien – Information technology'due south among the popular poems of J.R.R. Tolkien. This verse form explores the themes of possibilities in life and hope. Read more than J.R.R. Tolkien poems.
  • 'The Way Through the Forest' by Rudyard Kipling – It'southward i of the best Rudyard Kipling poems. This poem describes the changes that accept come up over one particular plot of forest. Explore more poems by Rudyard Kipling.

Y'all can also read about these raw anxiety poems and the best English language poems e'er.

Explore the Top 10 Robert Frost Poems

'The Route Not Taken' is i of Robert Frost'southward masterpieces of poetry. Find out what other swell poems the American poet wrote.

Top 10 Robert Frost Poems

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

A Road Not Taken Theme,


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